Sunday, January 27, 2019

My Tickling Experince

I met with my friend last night. It was a great 2 hours of tickling fun.

I found out that my feet are not very ticklish due to my neuropathy. I'd say my heels were a bit ticklish but nothing like they used to be. I know a majority of people who are into tickling love feet the most. 

I am happy to report that the rest of my body is very ticklish. Especially my inner thighs, stomach, sides, breasts, neck and ears. Oh yes and inbetween my breasts.

I spent the night with my friend and was awakened by being tickled. That's something that I've always wanted. It was the best feeling ever. 

Oh yes I almost forgot, after 3 orgasms between last night and this morning I must say that I'm even more ticklish after orgasm.  I can't hardly stand to be tickled then.

In conclusion I hope that it wont be another 9 years to be tickled again.

Friday, January 25, 2019

I'm Excited

Sorry it's taken me 9 years to write an update. But that's the last time I was tickled.

I've had multiple foot surgeries on both of my feet. Now with the scars on my feet I am very self conscious about the scars. But my feet are still soft and smooth.

Tomorrow I'll find out just how ticklish my feet really are. My friend from Ohio (the last guy who tickled me) will be coming up to Michigan for the night. I'm soooooo excited to see him and be tickled by him. 

I'll update again within the next few days to let you know how it goes.